


Xooker General

Xooker General FAQs

How to Enter Promo Code

  1. Download the free Xooker app and create an account.
  2. From the Xooker app homepage, click on the top left corner and click ENTER PROMO CODE.
  3. Enter your promo code.
  4. From the Xooker app homepage, click the top left corner.
  5. To choose your $5 voucher, click AVAILABLE VOUCHERS and select the merchant of your choice.
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Xooker Fundraising Program

Xooker Fundraising FAQs

There may be several different reasons you are having trouble logging in. Make sure to check the following:

  • Certain networks only allow access to certain websites. If you are using a school/work computer, more than likely your access will be denied.
  • Be sure that you are using the correct email and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password using the Reset Password link.
  • If you have requested a password reset already and have not received the password reset email, please check your junk or spam folder.
  • When logging in, ensure that you’re using the same email you registered with when you first signed up for Xooker.
Xooker Fundraising Program

Start raising money for your booster club/charity

The FAST and EASY way with the Xooker Fundraising Program!

Xooker Fundraising Program

Start raising money for your booster club/charity

The FAST and EASY way with the Xooker Fundraising Program!

Our base package is always free!

*Premium services are sold either a la carte or in selected packages.